Fisica b2A
(Classical Electrodynamics II - waves and oscillations, generation and propagation of electromagnetic waves, relativistic electromagnetism)
Problems and Solutions
Coupled oscillators
Oscillations of a triatomic molecule
A quasi-Gaussian wave packet
Waves in discrete systems
The impedance network
The "CL high-pass" network
Acoustic and optical branches
Resonances in the LC network
Distorsionless transmission line
from the Prof. K. T. McDonald's collection (C.G.S units!)
The fields of a high voltage transmission line
Cyclotron resonance
More cyclotron resonances
Magnetic resonance
The EM fields outside a wire that carries a linearly rising current
from the Prof. K. T. McDonald's collection (C.G.S units; SI units and more algebraic details
in this translation).
The EM fields outside a plane that carries a linearly rising current
Poynting's theorem in an Ohmic wire (NEW! 22/03/2010)
Interference in dipole radiation
Atom collapse
Radiation from an elliptical orbit
Measuring the magnetic field of a pulsar
The fields of a current wire
The fields of a solenoid
Reflection from a moving mirror
Electromagnetic pulse modification by a moving mirror
Radiation pressure on a perfect mirror
Laser cooling
Schumann resonances
An one-dimensional cavity