Fisica 2 (Introductory Classical Electrodynamics)

Problems and Solutions

(Part I - electrostatics, magnetostatics, magnetic induction)

Coulomb explosions

Coulomb explosions in plane and cylindrical geometry

Plasma oscillations

Mie oscillations

Energy of a charged sphere

Energy of charged cylinders

A test of the neutrality of matter

Collision of two charged spheres

Electrostatic energy of charges in front of conducting planes

Point charge in front of a conducting sphere

Electrostatic induction in Coulomb's experiment (REVISED 26/10/2022)

A charge inside a conducting shell

A solution looking for a problem

A charged wire in front of a cylindrical conductor

Dipoles and spheres

Electrically connected spheres

An electric potential problem in 2D

The force between the plates of a capacitor

Electrostatic pressure on a conducting sphere

Debye screening

Some properties of the Thomson atom

An artificial dielectric

Dielectric sphere in an external field

Refraction of field lines in a dielectric

Contact force between a conducting slab and dielectric plane

A conducting sphere between two dielectrics

A dielectric slab sliding inside a capacitor (NEW! added 18/11/2021)

Measuring the dielectric constant of a liquid

A conducting cylinder immersed in a dielectric liquid

Charge decay in a lossy spherical capacitor

Charge relaxation in a conducting sphere

Electrical resistance between two spheres

Dielectric barrier discharge

The Tolman and Stewart experiment (have also a look at the original 1916 paper)

Motion in crossed electric and magnetic fields (NEW! added 26/11/2021)

The Rowland experiment

Hall effect with two charged species

Pinch effect in a current wire

A magnetic dipole in front of a plane

Mechanical energy of an induced magnetic dipole (NEW! added 16/12/2019)

Magnetic levitation

A coil moving in an inhomogeneous magnetic field

Magnetic pressure and pinch effect for a surface current (for historical interest have also a look at 1905 experimental paper and a related image).

Magnetic pressure in a solenoid

Eddy currents in a solenoid

Geometry effects on charge relaxation

Square wave generator

A circuit with ``free-falling'' parts

Induced electric current in the ocean

The Tethered satellite system

A homopolar motor

Unipolar motor with a magnetized sphere

Rotating cylinder as DC generator

The Faraday disk and a self-sustained dynamo

Rotation driven by induction

Parasitic inductance and skin effect in an Ohmic wire

(Part II - waves, electromagnetic radiation)

Coupled oscillators

Oscillations of a triatomic molecule

A quasi-Gaussian wave packet

A wavepacket along a weakly dispersive line

Waves in discrete systems

The impedance network

The "CL high-pass" network

Acoustic and optical branches

Resonances in the LC network

A non-dispersive line, inspired by Distorsionless transmission line from the Prof. K. T. McDonald's collection.

The fields of a high voltage transmission line

TEM and TM modes in an "open" waveguide

The EM fields outside a wire that carries a linearly rising current from the Prof. K. T. McDonald's collection (notice: C.G.S units)

The EM fields outside a plane that carries a linearly rising current

Cyclotron resonance

More cyclotron resonances

Magnetic resonance

The fields from spatially periodic surface sources

Poynting's theorem in an Ohmic wire

A capacitor with moving plates

Discharge of a cylindrical capacitor

Atom collapse

Cyclotron radiation

Radiation from orbiting charges

A bent center-fed antenna

Radiation from an elliptical orbit

Interference in dipole radiation

Optical beats make a lighthouse

Radiation damping of a classical oscillator

The radiation friction force

Measuring the magnetic field of a pulsar

Interference in scattering

Polarization by scattering

Polarization effects on Thomson scattering

Thomson scattering in a magnetic field

Energy flow and particle motion in a standing wave

Radiation Pressure on a perfect mirror

The fields of a current wire

The fields of a solenoid

The fields of a plane capacitor

The four-potential of a plane wave

Reflection from a moving mirror

Electromagnetic pulse modification by a moving mirror

Boundary conditions on a moving mirror

Laser cooling

A waveguide with a moving end

Waveguide modes as an interference effect

Energy densities in a free electron gas

Propagation in a metal at high and low frequency

Transmission and reflection in a very thin foil

Radiation pressure on a very thin foil

Mie resonance and a "plasmonic medium"

Propagation in a filled waveguide

Propagation in an optical fiber

Surface waves

Surface waves in a thin foil

Electromagnetic torque

Birefringence and wave plates

Magnetic birefringence and Faraday effect

Anti-reflection coatings

Fizeau effect

A light beam

Angular momentum of a light beam

Propagation of a ``relativistically'' strong EM wave