Publications of Andrea Macchi


Andrea Macchi, Giovanni Moruzzi, Francesco Pegoraro,
Problems in Classical Electromagnetism (Springer, 2023) [2nd Edition]

Andrea Macchi, A Superintense Laser-Plasma Interaction Theory Primer (Springer, 2013)

Andrea Macchi, Giovanni Moruzzi, Francesco Pegoraro, Problemi di Elettromagnetismo Classico (Pisa University press, 2006) [in Italian]


See my publication profiles and related statistics on Web of Science, ORCID, SCOPUS, Google Scholar.

H-index=35, HC-index=19, G-index=82 (Web of Science data, at 20/10/2023)

List of most recent and/or relevant journal publications and preprints (click here for a full list):

  1. Philip Martin, Hamad Ahmed, Domenico Doria, Mirela Cerchez, Fiona Hanton, Deborah Gwynne, Aaron Alejo, Javier Fernandez-Tobias, James Green, A. Macchi, David Maclellan, Paul McKenna, Jesus Alvarez Ruiz, Marco Swantusch, Oswald Willi, Shuhua Zhai, Marco Borghesi, Satyabrata Kar,
    Narrow-band acceleration of gold ions to GeV energies from ultra-thin foils,
    Communications Physics 7, 3 (2024).

  2. A. Macchi,
    Comment on: "Interacting quantum and classical waves: Resonant and non-resonant energy transfer to electrons immersed in an intense electromagnetic wave",
    Physics of Plasmas 30, 084701 (2023)
    arXiv:2301.09718 [physics.plasm-ph].

  3. Andrea Macchi and Francesco Pegoraro,
    Lighting Up a Nest for X-Ray Emission,
    Nature Photonics 17, 129-130 (2023) [News & Views article]

  4. J. Sarma, A. McIlvenny, N. Das, M. Borghesi, A. Macchi,
    Surface Plasmon-Driven Electron and Proton Acceleration without Grating Coupling,
    New Journal of Physics 24, 073023 (2022).
    arXiv:2207.02559 [physics.plasm-ph].

  5. A. McIlvenny, D. Doria, L. Romagnani, H. Ahmed, N. Booth, E. J. Ditter, O. C. Ettlinger, G. S. Hicks, P. Martin, G. G. Scott, S. D. R. Williamson, A. Macchi, P. McKenna, Z. Najmudin, D. Neely, S. Kar, and M. Borghesi,
    Selective Ion Acceleration by Intense Radiation Pressure,
    Physical Review Letters 127, 194801 (2021).
    See also the related focus story on Physics magazine.

  6. S. Marini, P. S. Kleij, F. Pisani, F. Amiranoff, M. Grech, A. Macchi, M. Raynaud, and C. Riconda,
    Ultrashort high energy electron bunches from tunable surface plasma waves driven with laser wavefront rotation,
    Physical Review E 103, L021121 (2021).
    arXiv:2101.01635 [physics.plasm-ph].

  7. A. Macchi, O. M. Maragò,
    Light pressure across all scales (Editorial),
    EPJP - The European Physical Journal Plus 136, 582 (2021).

  8. F. Pegoraro, C. Livi, A. Macchi,
    Light sail boosted by instantaneous radiation pressure,
    EPJP - The European Physical Journal Plus 136, 485 (2021).

  9. T. V. Liseykina, A. Macchi, S. V. Popruzhenko,
    Quantum effects on radiation friction driven magnetic field generation,
    EPJP - The European Physical Journal Plus 136, 170 (2021).
    arXiv:1906.06241 [physics.plasm-ph].

  10. H. Ahmed, P. Hadjisolomou, K. Naughton, A. Alejo, S. Brauckmann, G. Cantono, S. Ferguson, M. Cerchez, D. Doria, J. Green, D. Gwynne, T. Hodge, D. Kumar, A. Macchi, R. Prasad, O. Willi, M. Borghesi, S. Kar,
    High energy implementation of coil-target scheme for guided re-acceleration of laser-driven protons,
    Scientific Reports 11, 1 (2021)

  11. A. Macchi,
    Plasma Waves in a Different Frame,
    American Journal of Physics 88, 723 (2020)
    arXiv:1906.06241 [physics.plasm-ph][physics.acc-ph].

  12. A. McIlvenny, H. Ahmed, C. Scullion, D. Doria, L. Romagnani, P. Martin, K. Naughton, A. Sgattoni, D. R. Symes, A. Macchi, P. McKenna, M. Zepf, S. Kar. M. Borghesi,
    Characteristics of ion beams generated in the interaction of ultra-short laser pulses with ultra-thin foils,
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62, 054001 (2020).

  13. Andrea Macchi,
    Basics of Laser-Plasma Interaction: a Selection of Topics, in: Laser-Driven Sources of High Energy Particles and Radiation, L. A. Gizzi et al. (eds.), Springer Proceedings in Physics 231, 25-49 (2019)
    arXiv:1806.06014 [physics.plasm-ph][][physics.optics] .

  14. A. Macchi, A. Grassi, F. Amiranoff, C. Riconda,
    Momentum Absorption and Magnetic Field Generation by Obliquely Incident Light,
    EPJP - The European Physical Journal Plus 134, 420 (2019).
    arXiv:1903.10393 [physics.optics][physics.plasm-ph].

  15. A. Macchi, G. Cantono, L. Fedeli, F. Pisani, T. Ceccotti,
    Extreme high field plasmonics: electron acceleration and XUV harmonic generation from ultrashort surface plasmons,
    Physics of Plasmas 26, 042114 (2019) [Special issue with invited talks from APS/DPP meeting 2018]
    arXiv:1903.06404 [physics.optics][physics.plasm-ph].

  16. S. V. Popruzhenko, T. V. Liseykina, A. Macchi,
    Efficiency of radiation friction losses in laser-driven "hole boring" of dense targets,
    New Journal of Physics 21, 033009 (2019).
    arXiv:1808.10337 [physics.plasm-ph]

  17. G. Cantono, L. Fedeli, A. Sgattoni, A. Denoeud, L. Chopineau, F. Reau, T. Ceccotti, A. Macchi,
    Extreme ultraviolet beam enhancement by relativistic surface plasmons,
    Physical Review Letters 120, 264803 (2018).

  18. Andrea Macchi,
    Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration,
    in: Applications of Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration, ed. by P. R. Bolton, K. Parodi, J. Schreiber (CRC press, 2018).

  19. Andrea Macchi and Francesco Pegoraro,
    Instability yields bright gamma emission,
    Nature Photonics 12, 314-315 (2018) [News & Views article]

  20. Andrea Macchi,
    Viewpoint: Intense Laser Sheds Light on Radiation Reaction,
    Physics 11, 13 (2018)

  21. Francesco Pisani, Luca Fedeli, Andrea Macchi,
    Few-cycle Surface Plasmon Polariton Generation by Rotating Wavefront Pulses,
    ACS Photonics 5, 1068 (2018)
    arXiv:1711.02899 [physics.optics][].

  22. Andrea Macchi,
    A Review of Laser-Plasma Ion Acceleration,
    arXiv:1711.06443 [physics.plasm-ph][][physics.acc-ph][] .

  23. Andrea Macchi,
    Surface plasmons in superintense laser-solid interactions,
    Physics of Plasmas 25, 031906 (2018) [Invited paper for Special Topic collection "Plasmonics and solid state physics"]
    arXiv:1711.05124 [physics.optics][][physics.plasm-ph].

  24. G. Cantono, A. Sgattoni, L. Fedeli, D. Garzella, F. Reau, C. Riconda, A. Macchi, T. Ceccotti,
    Extensive study of electron acceleration by relativistic surface plasmons,
    Physics of Plasmas 25, 031907 (2018) [Invited paper for Special Topic collection "Plasmonics and solid state physics"].

  25. A. Grassi, M. Grech, F. Amiranoff, A. Macchi, C. Riconda,
    Radiation Pressure Driven Ion Weibel Instability and Collisionless Shocks,
    Physical Review E 96, 033204 (2017).
    arXiv:1612.03934 [physics.plasm-ph].

  26. C. Scullion, D. Doria, L. Romagnani, A. Sgattoni, K. Naughton, D. R. Symes, P. McKenna, A. Macchi, M. Zepf, S. Kar, and M. Borghesi,
    Polarization dependence of bulk ion acceleration from ultrathin foils irradiated by high intensity, ultrashort laser pulses,
    Physical Review Letters 119, 054801 (2017).

  27. H. Ahmed, S. Kar, G. Cantono, P. Hadjisolomou, A. Poye, D. Gwynne, C. L. S. Lewis, A. Macchi, K. Naughton, G. Nersisyan, V. Tikhonchuk, O. Willi, M. Borghesi,
    Efficient post-acceleration of protons in helical coil targets driven by sub-ps laser pulses,
    Scientific Reports 7, 10891 (2017).

  28. Luca Fedeli, Andrea Sgattoni, Giada Cantono, Andrea Macchi,
    Relativistic surface-plasmon enhanced harmonic generation from gratings,
    Applied Physics Letters 110, 051103 (2017).
    arXiv:1611.06706 [physics.plasm-ph].

  29. T. V. Liseykina, S. V. Popruzhenko, A. Macchi,
    Inverse Faraday Effect driven by Radiation Friction,
    New Journal of Physics 18, 072001 (2016).
    See also the related highlight on Physics World.
    Another highlight on
    arXiv:1511.01121 [physics.plasm-ph].

  30. Satyabrata Kar, Hamad Ahmed, Rajendra Prasad, Mirela Cerchez, Stephanie Brauckmann, Bastian Aurand, Giada Cantono, Prokopis Hadjisolomou, Ciaran Lewis, Andrea Macchi, Gagik Nersisyan, Alexander Robinson, Anna-Marie Schroer, Marco Swantusch, Matt Zepf, Oswald Willi, Marco Borghesi,
    Guided post-acceleration of laser driven ions by a miniature modular structure,
    Nature Communications 7, 10792 (2016).

  31. Luca Fedeli, Andrea Sgattoni, Giada Cantono, David Garzella, Fabrice Réau, Irene Prencipe, Matteo Passoni, Michèle Raynaud, Milan Květoň, Jan Proska, Andrea Macchi, Tiberio Ceccotti,
    Electron acceleration by relativistic surface plasmons in laser-grating interaction,
    Physical Review Letters 116, 015001 (2016).
    arXiv:1508.02328 [physics.plasm-ph].

  32. Marco Borghesi, Andrea Macchi,
    Laser-Driven Ion Accelerators: State of the Art and Applications,
    in: Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration Towards Radiobiology and Medicine, Editor: Antonio Giulietti, ISBN: 978-3-319-31561-4 (Print) 978-3-319-31563-8 (Online), Part of the series Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering (Springer, 2016), pp. 221-247.

  33. Anna Grassi, Luca Fedeli, Andrea Sgattoni, Andrea Macchi,
    Vlasov simulation of laser-driven shock acceleration and ion turbulence,
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58, 034021 (2016).
    arXiv:1507.08585 [physics.plasm-ph].

  34. M. D'Angelo, L. Fedeli, A. Sgattoni, F. Pegoraro, A. Macchi,
    Particle acceleration and radiation friction effects in the filamentation instability of pair plasmas,
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451, 3460 (2015).
    arXiv:1502.00531 [physics.plasm-ph] [astro-ph.HE].

  35. Andrea Sgattoni, Luca Fedeli, Stefano Sinigardi, Alberto Marocchino, Andrea Macchi, Volker Weinberg, Anupam Karmakar,
    Optimising PICCANTE - an Open Source Particle-in-Cell Code for Advanced Simulations on Tier-0 Systems, PRACE white paper (2015)
    arXiv:1503.02464 [physics.comp-ph] [physics.plasm-ph].

  36. A. Sgattoni, S. Sinigardi, L. Fedeli, F. Pegoraro, A. Macchi,
    Laser-Driven Rayleigh-Taylor Instability: Plasmonic Effects and Three-Dimensional Structures,
    Physical Review E 91, 013106 (2015).
    arXiv:1404.1260 [physics.plasm-ph].

  37. A. Sgattoni, S. Sinigardi, A. Macchi,
    High Energy Gain in Three-Dimensional Simulations of Light Sail Acceleration,
    Applied Physics Letters 105, 084105 (2014).
    arXiv:1403.2709 [physics.plasm-ph].

  38. A. Macchi,
    Theory of Light Sail Acceleration by Intense Lasers: an Overview,
    High Power Laser Science and Engineering 2, e10 (2014).
    arXiv:1403.6273 [physics.plasm-ph].

  39. A. Macchi, A. Sgattoni, S. Sinigardi, M. Borghesi, M. Passoni,
    Advanced strategies for ion acceleration using high power lasers,
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 55, 124020 (2013). [Corrigendum].
    See also the related LabTalk.
    arXiv:1306.6859 [physics.plasm-ph].

  40. T. Ceccotti, V. Floquet, A. Sgattoni, A. Bigongiari, O. Klimo, M. Raynaud, C. Riconda, A. Heron, F. Baffigi, L. Labate, L. A. Gizzi, L. Vassura, J. Fuchs, M. Passoni, M. Kveton, F. Novotny, M. Possolt, J. Prokupek, J. Proska, J. Psikal, L. Stolcova, A. Velyhan, M. Bougeard, P. D'Oliveira, O. Tcherbakoff, F. Reau, P. Martin, A. Macchi,
    Evidence of resonant surface wave excitation in the relativistic regime through measurements of proton acceleration from grating targets,
    Physical Review Letters 111, 185001 (2013)
    arXiv:1310.2775 [physics.plasm-ph].

  41. A. Macchi, M. Borghesi, M. Passoni,
    Ion acceleration by superintense laser-plasma interaction,
    Reviews of Modern Physics 85, 751-793 (2013)
    arXiv:1302.1775 [physics.plasm-ph].

  42. A. Macchi,
    Toy model of the "fountain effect" for magnetic field generation in intense laser-solid interactions,
    arXiv:1202.0389 [physics.plasm-ph].

  43. G. Sarri, A. Macchi, C. A. Cecchetti, T. V. Liseykina, X. H. Yang, M. E. Dieckmann, J. Fuchs, M. Galimberti, L. A. Gizzi, R. Jung, I. Kourakis, J. Osterholz, F. Pegoraro, A. P. L. Robinson, L. Romagnani, O. Willi, M. Borghesi,
    Dynamics of self-generated, large amplitude magnetic fields following high-intensity laser matter interaction,
    Physical Review Letters 109, 205002 (2012).
    arXiv:1210.4366 [physics.plasm-ph].

  44. S. Kar, K. F. Kakolee, B. Qiao, A. Macchi, M. Cerchez, D. Doria, M. Geissler, P. McKenna, D. Neely, J. Osterholz, R. Prasad, K. Quinn, B. Ramakrisna, G. Sarri, O. Willi, X. Y. Yuan, M. Zepf, M. Borghesi,
    Ion acceleration in multispecies targets driven by intense laser radiation pressure ,
    Physical Review Letters 109, 185006 (2012).
    arXiv:1207.4288 [physics.plasm-ph].

  45. K. Quinn, L. Romagnani, B. Ramakrishna, G. Sarri, M. E. Dieckmann, P. A. Wilson, J. Fuchs, L. Lancia, A. Pipahl, T. Toncian, O. Willi, R. J. Clarke, M. Notley, A. Macchi, M. Borghesi,
    Weibel-induced filamentation during an ultrafast laser-driven plasma expansion,
    Physical Review Letters 108, 135001 (2012).

  46. A. Macchi, A. Singh Nindrayog, F. Pegoraro,
    Solitary versus Shock Wave Acceleration in Laser-Plasma Interactions,
    Physical Review E 85, 046402 (2012)
    arXiv:1111.6392 [physics.plasm-ph].

  47. A. Sgattoni, P. Londrillo, A. Macchi, M. Passoni,
    Laser ion acceleration using a solid target coupled with a low density layer,
    Physical Review E 85, 036405 (2012)
    arXiv:1112.3759 [physics.plasm-ph].

  48. M. Tamburini, T. V. Liseykina, F. Pegoraro, A. Macchi,
    Radiation Pressure Dominant Acceleration: Polarization and Radiation Reaction Effects and Energy Increase in Three Dimensional Simulations ,
    Physical Review E 85, 016407 (2012)
    arXiv:1108.2372 [physics.plasm-ph].

  49. M. Tamburini, F. Pegoraro, A. Di Piazza, C. H. Keitel, A. Macchi,
    Radiation Reaction Effects on Radiation Pressure Acceleration,
    New Journal of Physics 12, 123005 (2010).
    arXiv:physics/1008.1685 [physics.plasm-ph].

  50. L. Romagnani, A. Bigongiari, S. Kar, S. V. Bulanov, C. A. Cecchetti, T. Zh. Esirkepov, M. Galimberti, R. Jung, T. V. Liseykina, A. Macchi, J. Osterholz, F. Pegoraro, O. Willi, M. Borghesi,
    Observation of magnetized soliton remnants in the wake of intense laser pulse propagation through plasmas,
    Physical Review Letters 105, 175002 (2010).

  51. Andrea Macchi, Silvia Veghini, Tatyana V. Liseykina, Francesco Pegoraro,
    Radiation Pressure Acceleration of Ultrathin Foils,
    New Journal of Physics 12, 045013 (2010).

  52. Andrea Macchi, Silvia Veghini, Francesco Pegoraro,
    "Light Sail" Acceleration Reexamined,
    Physical Review Letters 103, 085003 (2009).
    arXiv:physics/0905.2068 [physics.plasm-ph].

  53. K. Quinn, P. A. Wilson, C. A. Cecchetti, B. Ramakrishna, L. Romagnani, G. Sarri, L. Lancia, J. Fuchs, A. Pipahl, T. Toncian, O. Willi, R. J. Clarke, D. Neely, M. Notley, P. Gallegos, D. C. Carroll, M. N. Quinn, X. H. Yuan, P. McKenna, T. V. Liseykina, A. Macchi, M. Borghesi,
    Laser-driven ultrafast field propagation on solid surfaces,
    Physical Review Letters 102, 194801 (2009).

  54. A. Macchi, F. Ceccherini, F. Cornolti, S. Kar, M. Borghesi,
    Electric field dynamics and ion acceleration in the self-channeling of a superintense laser pulse,
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51, 024005 (2009)
    arXiv:physics/0701139 [physics.plasm-ph].

  55. S. Kar, M. Borghesi, S. V. Bulanov, A. Macchi, M. H. Key, T. V. Liseykina, A. J. MacKinnon, P. K. Patel, L. Romagnani, A. Schiavi, O. Willi,
    Plasma jets driven by ultra-intense laser interaction with thin foils,
    Physical Review Letters 100, 225004 (2008).

  56. Andrea Macchi, Alessandra Bigongiari, Francesco Ceccherini, Fulvio Cornolti, Tatiana V. Liseikina, Marco Borghesi, Satyabrata Kar, Lorenzo Romagnani,
    Ion dynamics and coherent structure formation following laser pulse self-channeling,
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 49, B71-B78 (2007),
    arXiv:physics/0708.2780 [physics.plasm-ph]. PDF version with high-resolution figures.

  57. T. V. Liseikina, A. Macchi,
    Features of ion acceleration by circularly polarized laser pulses,
    Applied Physics Letters 91, 171502 (2007).
    arXiv:physics/0705.4019 [physics.plasm-ph].

  58. S. Kar, M. Borghesi, C. A. Cecchetti, L. Romagnani, F. Ceccherini, T. V. Liseykina, A. Macchi, R. Jung, J. Osterholz, O. Willi, M. Galimberti, L. A. Gizzi, A. Schiavi, R. Heathcote,
    Dynamics of charge-displacement channeling in intense laser-plasma interactions,
    New Journal of Physics 9, 402 (2007)
    arXiv:physics/0701332 [physics.plasm-ph].

  59. A. Macchi,
    A Femtosecond Neutron Source,
    Applied Physics B: Laser and Optics 82, 337 (2006).

  60. L. Romagnani, J. Fuchs, M. Borghesi, P. Antici, P. Audebert, F. Ceccherini, T. Cowan, T. Grismayer, S. Kar, A. Macchi, P. Mora, G. Pretzler, A. Schiavi, T. Toncian, O. Willi,
    Dynamics of electric fields driving laser acceleration of multi--MeV protons,
    Physical Review Letters 95, 195001 (2005).

  61. A. Macchi, F. Cattani, T. V. Liseykina, F. Cornolti,
    Laser acceleration of ion bunches at the front surface of overdense plasmas,
    Physical Review Letters 94, 165003 (2005).

  62. D. Bauer and A. Macchi,
    Dynamical ionization ignition of clusters in intense and short laser pulses,
    Physical Review A 68, n.9, 033201 (2003).

  63. A. Macchi, A. Antonicci, S. Atzeni, D. Batani, F. Califano, F. Cornolti, J. J. Honrubia, T. V. Lisseikina, F. Pegoraro, M. Temporal,
    Fundamental Issues in Fast Ignition Physics: from Relativistic Electron Generation to Proton Driven Ignition,
    Nuclear Fusion 43, 362-368 (2003).

  64. A. Macchi, F. Cornolti, and F. Pegoraro,
    Two-Surface Wave Decay,
    Physics of Plasmas 9, n.5, 1704-1711 (2002).

  65. A. Macchi, F. Cornolti, F. Pegoraro, T. V. Liseikina, H. Ruhl, V. A. Vshivkov,
    Surface Oscillations in Overdense Plasmas Irradiated by Ultrashort Laser Pulses
    Physical Review Letters 87, n. 20, 205004 (2001).

  66. Hartmut Ruhl, Andrea Macchi, Peter Mulser, Steffen Hain, and Fulvio Cornolti,
    Collective Dynamics and Enhancement of Absorption in Deformed Targets,
    Physical Review Letters 82, n.10, 2095-2099 (1999).