2014-16: PRIN project "Laser-Driven Shock Waves", sponsored by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), as local coordinator.
2010-14: FIRB Futuro in Ricerca" project SULDIS ("Superintense Laser-Driven Ion Sources"), sponsored by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), as local coordinator.
2012-13: PRACE high performance computing project LSAIL ("Large Scale Acceleration of Ions by Laser"), as principal investigator.
2010-11: CNR-CNRS bilateral project SWILAP ("Surface Wave Induced Laser Absorption in Plasmas"), as Italian partner unit coordinator.
2010: ISCRA "Class A" Supercomputing Project TOFUSEX ("Towards Full-Scale Simulations of Laser-Plasma Interaction Experiments"), as principal investigator.
2008-09: CNR-RSTL project "Laser-driven pulsed sources of ions and neutrons", as principal investigator.
2005-09 CNR/INFM-CINECA Supercomputing initiative, as project manager of annual projects.