Researcher profile at CNR/INO

Research interests

Present or main research interests: high-intensity laser-matter interaction, laser-plasma acceleration of ions, high-field plasmonics, proton probing investigations, nonlinear dynamics in hot and relativistic plasmas, magnetic field generation and particle acceleration in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas, radiation friction in ultrahigh laser fields, modeling and simulation methods for collisionless systems (particle-in-cell and Vlasov codes).

Project coordination

2014-16: PRIN project "Laser-Driven Shock Waves", sponsored by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), as local coordinator.

2010-14: FIRB Futuro in Ricerca" project SULDIS ("Superintense Laser-Driven Ion Sources"), sponsored by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), as local coordinator.

2012-13: PRACE high performance computing project LSAIL ("Large Scale Acceleration of Ions by Laser"), as principal investigator.

2010-11: CNR-CNRS bilateral project SWILAP ("Surface Wave Induced Laser Absorption in Plasmas"), as Italian partner unit coordinator.

2010: ISCRA "Class A" Supercomputing Project TOFUSEX ("Towards Full-Scale Simulations of Laser-Plasma Interaction Experiments"), as principal investigator.

2008-09: CNR-RSTL project "Laser-driven pulsed sources of ions and neutrons", as principal investigator.

2005-09 CNR/INFM-CINECA Supercomputing initiative, as project manager of annual projects.