Thesis supervision
List of students having worked under my (co-)supervision, with title of the thesis (provisional if in progress):
Ph.D. (Dottorato di Ricerca):
- Matteo Tamburini (2008-2010, University of Pisa),
co-supervision with F. Pegoraro,
Radiation reaction effects in superintense laser-plasma interactions,
defended on November 23, 2011.
- Amritpal Singh Nindrayog (2010-2013, University of Pisa),
co-supervision with F. Pegoraro,
Ion Acceleration by Solitary and Shock Waves Driven
by Laser- Plasma Interactions,
defended on January 7, 2013.
- Luca Fedeli (2013-2015, University of Pisa),
High Field Plasmonics,
defended on December 14, 2015. PhD research award 2017 by the European Physical Society, division of Plasma and Beam Physics.
- Anna Grassi (2014-2017, co-tutelle Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, and University of Pisa),
co-supervision with Caterina Riconda (UPMC and Ecole Polytechnique/LULI, France),
thesis: Collisionless shocks in the context of Laboratory Astrophysics,
defended on October 26, 2017. Renè Pellat prize 2018 awarded by the French Physical Society. University of Pisa best doctoral thesis of 2018 in the scientific area.
- Giada Cantono (2014-2017,
co-tutelle Universitè Paris-Saclay, France, and University of Pisa),
co-supervision with Tiberio Ceccotti (CEA, Saclay, France), thesis: Relativistic plasmonics for ultra-short radiation sources,
defended on October 27, 2017. 2019 Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Beam Physics Award by the American Physical Society, PhD Research Award 2019 by the European Physical Society, division of Plasma and Beam Physics.
M.Sc. (Laurea Specialistica / Magistrale):
- Marco Battaglini (Parametric two-surface wave decay in laser-plasma interaction, co-supervision with F. Cornolti, 2002)
- Domenico Prellino (Ponderomotive ion acceleration in laser-plasma interaction, 2007)
- Alessandra Bigongiari (Coherent structure generation and detection in underdense plasmas, 2008)
- Sara Tuveri (Radiation Pressure Acceleration of ions: effects of the plasma profile and of the pulse polarization, 2009)
- Silvia Veghini (A model of thin foil acceleration by radiation pressure, 2009)
- Mattia Lupetti (High power laser-grating interactions, 2011)
- Enrico Ianni (Characterization of laser-generated collisionless shock waves in a low-density plasma, co-supervision with M. Borghesi - Queen's University of Belfast, 2013)
- Marta D'Angelo (Filamentation instability in counterstreaming pair plasmas, 2013)
- Anna Grassi (Vlasov simulations of nonlinear wave dynamics and particle acceleration in laser-plasma interaction, 2014)
- Giada Cantono (Ultrafast proton probing of intense laser-driven current propagation, co-supervision with M. Borghesi - Queen's University of Belfast, 2014)
- Giannandrea Inchingolo (Viscosity and Nonlocal Transport Effects in Hydrodynamic Simulations of Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments, co-supervision with S. Atzeni - Università Roma 1 "La Sapienza", 2014)
- Cosimo Livi (Laser acceleration of ultrathin foils: light sail and single cycle regimes, 2016)
- Marco Guarguaglini (Planetology in laboratory: study of ices in the Mbar regime under laser-driven shock loading, co-supervision with A. Ravasio - Ecole Polytechnique/LULI, 2017)
- Ambra Morana (X-ray spectroscopy of short pulse laser-produced homogeneous plasmas, co-supervision with S. Bastiani - Ecole Polytechnique/LULI, 2017)
- Francesco Pisani (Ultrashort Surface Plasmon Generation by Rotating Wavefronts, 2017)
- Anna Giacobbe (Plasma characterization in Hall thruster by triple Langmuir probe, co-supervision with T. Andreussi - SITAEL, 2018)
- Alice Fazzini (Radiation reaction and pair creation in the presence of ultra-high intensity electromagnetic fields,
co-supervision with Caterina Riconda - Universitè La Sorbonne and Ecole Polytechnique/LULI, 2018)
- Paula S. Kleij (Study of grating target and rotation wave front for high field plasmonics,
co-supervision with Caterina Riconda - Universitè La Sorbonne and Ecole Polytechnique/LULI, 2019)
B.Sc. (Laurea Triennale):
Until 2011 students at the University of Pisa have prepared a short thesis ("tesina", about 20 pages and two months work) for the Bachelor degree. In this case I have given preference to self-contained topics, often curiosity-driven and possibly entertaining, and in some cases requiring some small work of numerical computation:
Alessandro Betti (Mie resonances in nanoplasmas, 2003)
Francesco Varrato (Inertial confinement fusion, 2003)
Domenico Prellino (Nonlinear optics in ionizing media, 2004)
Rosa Becucci (Sea waves: from capillary waves to Tsunami, 2005)
Sara Tuveri (Absorption and fast electron production in laser--solid interaction, 2006)
Silvia Veghini (Laser-plasma electron acceleration, 2007)
Giancarmelo Agnello (The moving mirror model of high harmonic generation, 2007)
Alessio Porcelli (A theoretical model of high intensity laser-plasma interaction, 2007)
Angelo di Marco (Atoms in intense laser fields: perturbative and non-perturbative approaches, 2007)
Alessandro Boccolini (Plasma discharges and theory of sheaths, 2008)
Elia Schneider (Radiation reaction, co-supervision with Prof. F. Pegoraro, 2009)
Simone De Camillis (Inertial Fusion and Rayleigh-Taylor Instability, 2010)
Marta d'Angelo (Attosecond Young experiment: temporal interference of photoionized electrons, 2010)
Piero Marino (Plasmonics and extraordinary transmission of light, 2010)
Stefano Scotto (The angular momentum of light, 2010)
Camilla Galloni (Nonlinear waves: relativistic self-focusing, 2010)
Michael Beconcini (Metamaterials and perfect lenses, 2011)
Tommaso Cavallucci (The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou problem as a numerical experiment, 2011)