Nanophotonics is a lively research field. Several experiments are going on to
unveil and exploit light-matter interactions occuring at the nanometer scale,
below the diffraction limit of light.
Based on past mutual collaborations involving Prof. Motoichi Ohtsu (Tokyo
University), Prof. Yoichi Kawakami (Kyoto University), Prof. Ruggero Micheletto
(Yokohama University), and Prof. Maria Allegrini (Pisa University), this
workshop is organized as the first step towards further interactions, mutual
understandings, and future collaborations between Italy and Japan in the field
of nanophotonics.
The workshop is carried out under the
aegis of:
Dipartimento di Fisica Enrico
Fermi, Universitą di Pisa
Nano-optics Research Group,
Optical Society of Japan (OSJ), an affiliate of the Japan Society of Applied
Optical Society of Japan, an affiliate of the Japan Society of Applied