Abstracts of the presentations
Motoichi Ohtsu, Concepts of dressed photon science and technology
Paolo De Natale, Harnessing atoms and molecules with metrological sources
Yasuo Ohdaira, Optical near-field excitation in a nano-liquid droplet system
Alberto Di Lieto, Fluoride Crystals: Exotic Materials for
Optoelectronic Applications
Takashi Yatsui, Nanophotonic fabrication based on dressed-photon and phonon
Francesco Tantussi, Reversible purely optical
Makoto Naruse, Nanointelligence-information physics for nanophotonics
Wataru Nomura, Dynamic properties of optical near-field signal transfer system consisted of randomly distributed quantum dots
Diederik Wiersma, Disordered photonics
Takuya Iida, Theory of nano-optomechanics under fluctuations
Ruggero Micheletto, Optical instabilities and blinking phenomena in InGaN quantum wells
Alessandro Tredicucci, Graphene-based devices for TeraHertz photonics
Tadashi Kawazoe, Si homojunction infrared LED based on the dressed photon-assisted process
Hirokazu Hori, Physics of nano-optoelectronics functions: theoretical and experimental progress towards functional devices and systems
Masayuki Naya, Nano silver pavement-meta material film for heat-cut from sun light
Mario D'Acunto, Nanoscale biomolecular detection
limit for gold nano\
Naoya Tate, Nanophotonic droplet: all-autonomous fabrication of novel nanophotonic device by using dressed-photon technology
Miriam Vitiello, Terahertz photonics: from ultra-stable quantum cascade lasers to nanowire photodetectors
Satoshi Tojo, Laser spectroscopy in higher-order interactions of atoms with optical near-fields
Donatella Ciampini, Collective excitation and emission phenomena in a strongly interacting ultracold gas