Link to the Fisica 2A page

Link to the Fisica B1A page

Link to the Fisica B2A page

I give classes for the course of Physics 2, i.e. introductory Classical Electromagnetism (Fisica 2) at the second year of the Laurea (undergraduate) program in Physics. Lectures are given since Fall 2018 by Prof. Donatella Ciampini (first part: electrostatics, magnetostatics, magnetic induction) and by Prof. Francesco Pegoraro (second part: generation and propagation of electromagnetic waves, relativistic electrodynamics). From 2003 to 2017 the lectures of the first part were given by Prof.Giovanni Moruzzi

You can find a continously update of problems (in English), with solutions included, discussed during the classes or left as exercises for self-study.

Before 2010 the course was split into two semesters (fisica b1A and fisica b2A). For both these old courses you can still find a collection of problems for b1A and problems for b2A (in English). There is also a fairly complete list of midterm and term exam problem texts with their solution (in Italian) for both b1A and b2A.

Most of these problems have been collected in a book in English, published in 2017. An older and smaller collection in Italian, published in 2006, can be found here