Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum


September 2024

Short and long versions of my CV in PDF.

Personal data

Place and Date of birth: Lucca (Italy), September 5, 1970

Citizenship: Italian

Present position:
Permanent staff senior research scientist (Primo Ricercatore) at CNR/INO, Pisa, Italy.

Lecturer of "Physics 2" (Introductory Classical Electrodynamics) - B.Sc. program, and "Electrodynamics of Contnuous Media" - M.Sc. program, at the Department of Physics "E. Fermi" of the University of Pisa, Italy.


A.M. received a M.Sc. degree (Laurea) in Physics from the University of Pisa in 1995 with honors (110/110 cum laude) and a Ph.D. degree in Physics from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa in 1999 with honors (70/70 cum laude). In 2019 he received the National Scientific Habilitation as full professor in Italian academia.
A.M. has been active in laser-matter interaction at very high intensities, beginning as an experimentalist (mostly working on X-ray emission from laser-produced plasmas) and later focusing on theory and simulation, still in close contact with experimental work. He has given contributions on topics such as collisionless absorption, nonlinear surface plasmons, ion acceleration, radiation friction, nonlinear coherent structures. He is the recipient of the 2020 Predhiman Kaw Legacy Award in plasma physics.
A.M. is a staff research scientist with CNR/INO since 2010 and was promoted to the "senior researcher" level via a national competitive context in 2019. Previously he was with CNR/INFM (2003-2009). He held a postdoctoral position at the Darmstadt University of Technology (1998-2000) and an International Fellowship at the Queen's University of Belfast (2008). He participated to many collaborative European and Italian projects, also as principal investigator or local coordinator since 2005.
A.M. is the author or coauthor of about 100 publications on peer reviewed journals (with a H-index of 35 to date, ISI data) including one Review of Modern Physics and 14 Physical Review Letters, the single author of a textbook on Laser-Plasma Interactions (Springer, 2013) and the first author of a textbook of Problems in Classical Electromagnetism (Springer, 2nd Ed. 2023, 1st Ed. 2017). He presented tens of seminars and talks (both invited and contributed) to international conferences and schools.
A.M. has been serving as a peer reviewer for more than 40 international journals (with several recognitions including the outstanding referee for the American Physical Society in 2015) and for 12 funding and evaluation agencies of different countries. He serves as Divisional Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters since 2024, and in the Editorial Boards of New Journal of Physics since 2020 and The European Physical Journal Plus since 2019.
A.M. collaborates since 2002 to teaching activities at the Physics Department of the University of Pisa for the undergraduate (B.Sc.), postgraduate (M.Sc.) and doctorate (Ph.D.) programs. He gives lecture courses of Plasma Physics since 2009 and is Lecturer of Classical Electrodynamics since 2012. He has been the supervisor of 5 Ph.D., 18 postgraduate (M.Sc.) and 17 undergraduate (B.Sc.) students to date.
A.M. since 2015 has been involved in several outreach activities. He presented a dozen of talks in popularization events in Italy, including those in an international framework (Night of the Researchers, Pint of Science) and specific initiatives oriented to high school students. He (co-)authored several papers (in Italian) for scientific magazines. Since 2024 he serves in the scientific committee of the Festival della Scienza in Genova.


Ph.D. Degree (Diploma di Perfezionamento) in Physics (70/70 cum laude) obtained from the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa on November 5, 1999.
Thesis: ``Superintense Laser-Solid Interaction'' (in English).

Diploma Degree (Laurea) in Physics (110/110 cum laude) obtained from the University of Pisa on March 17, 1995.
Thesis: ``Line spectroscopy of X-ray emission from laser-produced plasmas'' (in Italian).

Other qualifications

Scientific Habilitation as 1st level University Professor (Professore ordinario, prima fascia), awarded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MIUR), 2019-2024. (Previously habilitated as 2nd level University Professor (Professore associato, seconda fascia), 2013-2017).

Research Projects

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Talks and seminars

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