Talks and seminars

(extended list)

I - invited conference talk; C - contributed conference talk; S - seminar; L - lecture; O - other (e.g. informal workshop, collaboration meeting, ...).

17/12/2015: Superintense Light Interaction with Matter, Lights of Tuscany, Pisa, December 17, 2015
19/11/2015: Ion Acceleration, Applications of Laser-driven Particle Acceleration (ALPA 2015), Venezia, November 19-21, 2015
21/10/2015: High Field Plasmonics and Laser-Plasma Acceleration, ELI Beamlines Scientific Challenges 2015, Kamenice, Czech Prepublic, October 19-22, 2015
09/10/2015: Extreme Light-Matter Interactions: Ultra-Relativistic, Radiation-Dominated and QED plasmas , "ELI day" - Extreme Light Infrastructure workshop, Roma, October 9, 2015
02/09/2015: High Field Plasmonics and Laser-Plasma Acceleration, Photonics Ireland 2015, Cork, Ireland, September 2-4, 2015.
18/08/2015: Radiation Friction Effects on Ion Acceleration and Magnetic Field Generation in Superintense Laser-Plasma Interactions, Nuclear Engineering, Applied Physics Dept., Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
13/08/2015: Radiation Pressure Acceleration, Nuclear Engineering, Applied Physics Dept., Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
09/06/2015: Laser-Plasma Accelerators of Ions: Advanced Schemes and Perspectives, Gran Sasso Science Institute, INFN Center for Advanced Studies, L'Aquila, Italy, June 9, 2015.
12/05/2015: Plasmonic Effects in Laser-Driven Acceleration, LPAW 2015 - Laser Plasma Acceleration Workshop, Guadeloupe, May 10-15, 2015.
19/01/2015: Relativistic Plasmonics in Laser Ion Acceleration, Complex Plasma Phenomena in the Laboratory and in the Universe, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, Italy, January 19-20, 2015.
20/11/2014: Advanced schemes for laser-plasma ion acceleration, Nuclear Engineering, Applied Physics Dept., Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
16/10/2014: Filamentation instability of counterstreaming pair plasmas: particle acceleration and radiation friction effects , Collisionless Shock Workshop, UPMC, Paris, October 16, 2014.
03/10/2014: Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration, High Field Plasmonics, and Classical Instabilities, INO Annual Symposium 2014, Brescia, Italy, October 1-3, 2014.
01/10/2014: Ion Acceleration, LA3NET Advanced School on Laser Applications at Accelerators, Salamanca, Spain, September 29-October 1, 2014.
23/09/2014: Effects of local field enhancement on the laser-driven Rayleigh-Taylor instability, C Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisica -- annual conference of the Italian Physical Society, Pisa, 22-26/09/2014.
09/06/2014: ``Plasmonics at ultra-high laser intensities?'', workshop ``Science with High Power Lasers'' for Antonio Giulietti's 70th birthday, Pisa.
10/02/2014: ``High intensity laser-grating interactions: a step towards relativistic plasmonics'', Centre for Plasma Physics, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen's University of Belfast, UK.
17/01/2014: ``High intensity laser-grating interactions: a step towards relativistic plasmonics'', Journèe scientifique du labex Plas@Par, Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.
30/10/2013: ``Light Sail Acceleration: Recent Results'', Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses (LULI), Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau Cedex, France.
12/09/2013: ``Superintense Laser-Plasma Interactions: Relativistic Condensed Matter Physics'', FisMat 2013 - Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Milano, 09-13/09/2013.
31/07/2013: ``Sailing Before the Light: Laser-Plasma Acceleration Driven by Radiation Pressure'', Plasma Physics Colloquium, Dept. of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, USA.
16/07/2013: ``Ion acceleration in the "extreme light" regime'', 22nd International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'13) Symposium: Extreme Light Technologies, Science, and Applications, Prague, Czech Republic, July 15-18, 2013.
04/07/2013: ``Advanced strategies for ion acceleration using high power lasers'', plenary talk, 40th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics), Espoo, Finland, July 1-5, 2013.
18/06/2013: ``An overview of recent results in laser-driven ion acceleration'', LET seminar, Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ), Munich, Germany.
07/05/2013: ``Recent results in laser-driven ion acceleration'', 11th Workshop on Direct-Drive and Fast Ignition Physics, Rome, Italy, May 6-8, 2013.
26-27/03/2013: ``A Review of Superintense Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration'', Department of Physics and Photon Science, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea. PART 1, PART 2.
28/11/2012: ``From Intense Fields to Radiation Dominated Regime'', Gamma-resist kick-off meeting, CNR/INO, Pisa, Italy, November 28, 2012.
22/10/2012: ``Status and Trends in Laser-Plasma Acceleration of Ions'', International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science (ISUILS11), Jeju, Korea, October 21-25, 2012.
19/10/2012: ``Routes to Advanced Laser-Plasma Ion Acceleration'', International Conference on High Energy Density Physics (ICHEDP12), Beijing, China, October 18-21, 2012.
04/09/2012: ``Introduction to Particle-In-Cell (PIC) Simulations (for absolute beginners)'', International School of Space Science, Course on Astrophysical and Space Plasmas, L'Aquila, Italy, September 3-9, 2012.
14/05/2012: ``Radiation Reaction and Laser Polarization Effects on Ultraintense Laser Acceleration of Thin Foils'', nQED Workshop, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA, May 14-16, 2012.
19/04/2012: ``Solitary- Versus Shock-Wave Acceleration in Laser-Plasma Interactions'', International Workshop on Laser-Plasma Interaction at Ultra-High Intensity - 2nd Dresden Exchange on Laser-Plasma Interaction Theory (ENLITE12), Dresden, Germany, April 17-20, 2012.
30/09/2011: ``Solitary Acoustic Wave Versus Shock Acceleration in Laser-Plasma Interactions'', Informal workshop on laboratory astrophysics, Paris, 30/09/2011.
11/04/2011: ``Plasmas: the Next Decade'', "Congressino" del Dipartimento di Fisica, Pisa, 11/04/2011.
**/**/2011: ``Radiation Friction Modeling and Effects in Laser-Plasma Interaction at Extreme Intensities'', Institute of Physics, University of Rostock, Germany (20/01/2001) and Centro de Laseres Pulsados Ultraintensos (CLPU), Universidad de Salamanca, Spain (23/03/2011).
20/01/2011: ``Introduzione ai metodi per la simulazione di plasmi non collisionali'', Ciclo di seminari su ``Plasmi caldi: ricerca di base e applicazioni'' (Politecnico di Milano, Italy).
19/11/2010: ``La "sempre discussa" teoria delle sheaths. Scariche di plasma per applicazioni tecnologiche'', Simposio "Le tecnologie del vuoto a supporto di uno stile di vita sostenibile" (Fiera di Milano, Rho, 19 Novembre 2010).
21/09/2010: ``Ion Acceleration in Superintense Laser Interaction with Ultrathin Targets'', XCVI Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisica -- annual conference of the Italian Physical Society (Bologna, Italy, 20--23/09/2010).
26/08/2010: ``Radiation Pressure and Radiation Friction Effects in Laser-Solid Interactions'', ICONO/LAT 2010 conference, Symposium on ``Extreme Light Technologies'' (Kazan, Russia, 23--26/08/2010).
24/08/2010: ``Modeling Radiation Pressure and Radiation Friction Effects in Superintense Laser-Plasma Interactions'', Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany.
25/05/2010: ``Radiation Pressure Acceleration in the 'Light Sail' regime'', Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses (LULI), Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau Cedex, France.
13/01/2010: ``Laser-Plasma Physics Probed by Protons'', Centro de Laseres Pulsados Ultraintensos (CLPU), Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
12/01/2010: ``A Review of Laser-Plasma Acceleration of Ions'', Centro de Laseres Pulsados Ultraintensos (CLPU), Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. [Full video available.]
16/06/2009: ``Ion acceleration by radiation pressure in thin and thick targets'', COULOMB09 workshop - Ions Acceleration with high Power Lasers: Physics and Applications (Senigallia, Italy, 15--18/06/2009).
29/05/2009: ``Dynamics of Radiation Pressure Acceleration'', 2nd international conference on Ultra-Intense Laser Interaction Science -- ULIS 2009 (Laboratori Nazionali INFN, Frascati, Italy, 25--29/05/2009).
03/04/2009: ``Laser-Accelerated Protons as a Probe of Laser Acceleration of Protons: Electromagnetic Dynamics of Space-Charge Fields'', Dresden ENLITE 09 - 1st Dresden Exchange on Laser-Plasma Interaction Theory workshop (FZD -- Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Germany, 01--05/04/2009).
03/04/2009: ``Radiation Pressure Acceleration: Microscopic Dynamics and (Non-)Optimal Conditions'', Dresden ENLITE 09 - 1st Dresden Exchange on Laser-Plasma Interaction Theory workshop (FZD -- Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Germany, 01--05/04/2009).
03/02/2009: ``Investigating Basic Plasma Physics Issues in Laser-Produced Plasmas from the Relativistic to the Ultracold Regime'', European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), Firenze, Italy.
29/05/2008: ``Highlights from PIC simulations of ultraintense laser-plasma interactions'', Conferenza sul Calcolo Scientifico in Italia (CSFI 2008), Rimini, Italy.
**/04/2008: ``Radiation Pressure Acceleration with Circularly Polarized Light'', PHI, CEA-DSM/IRAMIS/SPAM, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France (09/04/2008) and Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany (21/04/2008).
08/01/2008: ``Ion Acceleration by Laser: Theory and Simulations'', Seminario Rettorale su ``La Luce Estrema: Presente e Futuro'', Università di Bologna, Italy.
06/12/2007: ``Present and Future Regimes and Applications of Laser-Plasma Ion Acceleration'', Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici del CNR, Pisa, Italy. [PDF file, OpenOffice impress file.]
15/10/2007: ``Radiation Pressure Acceleration of Ions and the Role of Hydrodynamical Breaking'', Laserlab Europe Workshop on Theory of Short Pulse Petawatt Laser Plasma Interaction, Darmstadt, Germany, 14-17/10/2007.
29/09/2007: ``Accelerazione di ioni con pressione di radiazione superintensa'', 93° Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisica, Pisa, 24-29/09/2007. [PDF file, OpenOffice impress file.]
02/07/2007: ``Ion Acceleration and Coherent Structure Generation after Laser Pulse Self-Channeling'', EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw, July 02-06, 2007.
18/04/2007: ``Proton Imaging in Laser-Plasma Interactions'', Bothe Kolloquium, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany. [PDF file, OpenOffice impress file.]
30/01/2007: ``Superintense Laser Ion Acceleration and its Applications'', Colloquium, INFN Pisa, Italy. [PDF file, OpenOffice impress file.]
14/11/2006: ``A femtosecond source of fusion neutrons'', Workshop on High-field physics and nuclear physics with ELI (Extreme Light Infractructure), Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany.
06/06/2006: ``Ponderomotive Ion Acceleration in Laser-Plasma Interactions: Physics and Applications'', 33rd IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2006), Traverse City, Michigan, USA.
26/05/2006: ``Using superintense radiation pressure to accelerate ions'', International Research Centre in Experimental Physics (IRCEP), Queen's University of Belfast, UK.
12/12/2005: ``Ion acceleration by circularly polarized pulses: physics and possible applications'', 2005 ICFA Joint Workshop on Laser Beam Interactions and Laser & Plasma Accelerators, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [PDF animated file for viewing and reduced PDF for printing.]
25/11/2005: ``Ion acceleration and neutron production by circularly polarized laser pulses'', Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Queen's University of Belfast, UK.
10/11/2005: ``Plasma Processing of Materials'', polyLAB, Dipartimento di Fisica "E. Fermi", Pisa.
21/09/2005: ``Laser Acceleration of Ultrashort Ion Bunches and Femtosecond Neutron Sources'' 3rd International Conference on Superstrong Field in Plasmas (Varenna, Italy, 19-24/09/2005). [PDF animated file for viewing and reduced PDF for printing.]
17/06/2004: ``High intensity laser-solid interaction'' Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Queen's University of Belfast, UK.
24/03/2004: ``The physics of instabilities in high intensity laser-solid interaction'', 1st Lake Tahoe School of Plasma Physics (Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, 21-26/03/2004).
26/01/2004: ``The Two-Surface Wave Decay process in ultrashort, high intensity laser-plasma interactions'' Centre de Laser Intenses et Applications (CELIA), Universitè Bordeaux I, France.
17/10/2002: ``Fundamental Issues in Fast Ignition Physics: from Relativistic Electron Generation to Proton Driven Ignition'', 19th International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Fusion Conference (Lyon, France, 14-19/10/2002).
21/05/2002: ``Approcci PIC - Vlasov e modelli ibridi nelle simulazioni per laser plasmi '', (con Tatiana V. Liseikina) 3o incontro sulla Fisica del Plasma in Italia (L'Aquila, 20-22/05/2002). Parte I, Parte II.
01/10/2001: ``Disruption of plasma moving mirrors by the parametric surface instability'', 2nd EURESCO Conference on Matter in Superintense Laser Fields (St Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 29/09-04/10/2001).
31/08/2001: ``Surface effects in Laser Interaction with Overdense Plasmas'', 2nd International Conference on Superstrong Field in Plasmas (Varenna, Italy, 27/08-01/09/2001).
08/04/2000: ``A Review of nonlinear dynamics in superintense laser-plasma interaction'', Institut fuer Physik, University of Rostock, Germany.
27/03/2000: ``Dinamica nonlineare dell'interazione laser-plasma'', Convegno di Fisica Teorica e Struttura della Materia (Fai della Paganella, Trento, Italy, 26-30/03/2000).
07/03/2000: ``Superintense Laser-Solid Interaction: interaction with deformed targets and ultrafast ionization effects'' Seminar Theoretische Physik, Insitut fuer Physik, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet, Greifswald, Germany.
13/09/1999: ``Present Understanding of Laser-Solid Interaction at Ultrahigh Intensities'', VI ICEAA-International Conference of Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (Torino, Italy, 13-17/09/1999). (Presented in substitution of Prof. P. Mulser)
28/05/1999: ``Interazione di laser superintensi con targhette solide'', 1o incontro sulla Fisica del Plasma in Italia (Padova, 27-29/05/1999).
22/02/1996: ``A study of X-ray generation and transport in laser-irradiated solid targets'', Seminario de Optica, Departimento de Fisica Aplicada, Universidad de Salamanca (Espana - Spain).